Sales FAQs
If you are thinking of purchasing our software, feel free to drop us a line. Here are some common questions we are asked.
What is Create?
Create is a software add-in for PowerPoint, Word and Excel that helps your company produce and manage branding in their day-to-day documentation and presentations.
What is Compare?
Compare is a non-customised software add-in for PowerPoint that compares changes between two versions of a PowerPoint file.
What is Repair?
Repair is a non-customised software add-in for Excel that helps remove unused cell styles, inactive range names and excess worksheet areas.
What language is the User Interface?
The User Interface (software) is only available in English; however, your templates and content can be in any language. Where parts of the software contain English, we will translate these elements, for example in our automatic Table of Contents there is often text referred to as “Section” or “Table of Contents”. For foreign language translation requirements, please email us at
What training is available?
There are several free resources available including training tutorials, QRGs, FAQs and a built-in help is available in each program, containing step-by-step, user friendly instructions.
We can provide custom training in your identity and will record and share this with you. Please email us at with your requests.
At present, due to COVID-19 we are not providing live, on-site training.
Will Create work with existing documents?
You will be able to use some Create functionality on old documents, however advanced functionality such as linking or some of the automated features will not work without the supporting resources built in to a Create template. You’ll receive a meaningful error message if Create encounters a problem in any function.
We do recommend that you use the latest template available (from New dropdown in Word, PowerPoint or Excel) so that your document contains all the correct styles and content, which won’t be always available in old documents.
Is there a minimum number of licences?
No. There is no minimum purchase required.
My company has more than one brand - can Create handle this?
Create can support multiple brands. Where a firm rebrands, we can set an expiry on the old brand to suit. We can also allow only certain users to access brands and then make them available to a wider audience, once they have been set up and approved.
Where more than one brand is available, users will see a new option in the Create ribbon “Brand Switch”. Selecting this allows them to see the brands available and switch between them to work on new documents or complete pending transactions.
Can i just purchase the Create PowerPoint add-in, or do I need to purchase Excel and Word too?
Create is available with Excel as standard.
Companies can choose to have the PowerPoint and/or Word components in the fully-customised version. Within a firm, often some users require Word and some only need PowerPoint. This can be handled within the deployment of the software.
How long does it take to setup templates?
When we fully customise the software for your firm, we will estimate and agree the time before starting. Typically to setup the first document template in Word is one day, and variations of that are between 2-3 hours, depending on the content within each document.
PowerPoint normally requires between 3-5 days, again depending on the amount of assets and templates and any foreign language requirements.
If you are using the self-customised version of Create, you can work in Automatic mode, or choose one of the other options to customise some or more of the software to suit your branding.
What happens if a document is shared with a non-user of Create?
Any document produced is simply a PowerPoint, Excel or Word document and can be edited normally in those programs.
A non-Create user will not be able to take advantage of features such as the linking, or automatic table of contents, so we recommend these users edit text and then a Create user can finalise the presentation using the software.
We use consultants, is it possible for them to have access to the software?
You can allow them to have a version of your software (fully customised) or if using the self-customised version, share your company preferences, settings and templates with them.
Some team members use ThinkCell, does this cause any issues with Create?
No. If you have a license for both programs you will be able to work on ThinkCell objects in PowerPoint.